
Illa Philosophus is Latin for "She Thinker". I'm always thinking about something important, and this is where I'll write it all down. it may mean nothing to the people reading, but it means something to me.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Way I See It

Here are some things which I've observed so far this year:
  1. School sucks. I hate going to school everyday. I wish the University of Louisville would burn down, but decide to give us all degrees as compensation. School sucks.
  2. I do not like children. 1-2 children is okay. Large groups are not. 4 year olds should be illegal, and therefore deported. I do not like children.
  3. Being a conservative or liberal, republican or democrat is not a good way to live. If you label yourself as one of those, you're somewhat obligated to stick to what your party believes about certain issues, and not so free to form your own ideas. If your ideas and opinions go along with one of the parties, great. By all means be in that party. Forming our own opinions on stuff is our God given right as Americans. Be happy you have that freedom.
  4. Men are poopy. I've already had 1 guy prove to be the scum of the earth this year. Too bad, because he was a hottie. A jerk...but a hottie (Army uniform, muscles, sweet get the picture). Men are poopy.
  5. Tory is the coolest person I know. Also the most emo, but she knows I love her anyway. She's there to talk to when life sucks, but will also discuss a myriad of other useless things with me. She's my best friend! I only wish she would come to her senses and move here so we can hang out when no one else invites me to do stuff.
  6. Math is a creation of Satan. I'm in the last level of what I call Retard Math, and I cannot figure out where on earth I'm going to use the crap they're teaching me in this class. It is NOT applicable to living. I do not need to know this crap. Math is a creation of Satan.
  7. She didn't know there was another hole down there. Oh what great memories of being 14. (No one really wants to know what this is about, so don't ask.)
  8. I like Psychology. It's a really freaking cool subject to study. The stuff I'm learning about Cognitive Psychology is literally the coolest stuff I've learned since I learned to tie my own shoes. And Tory is excited about the thought of me loving it so much, since she's been telling me forever that it's an awesome subject. I like Psych, and I might just major in it.
  9. I love my Mommy. Not really an observation from this particular year, but it's still true and all. My Momma is the coolest mother on earth.
  10. I'm a lazy bum. I knew that before this year, but I'm just now realizing that I shouldn't be. I'll fix that soon.
  11. I hate asthma! One of the many reasons why I'm a lazy bum is because when I'm not lazy I tend to have trouble breathing. I can't even walk around campus between classes right now because the cold temps make it about 3 times as hard to breath. Stupid weather....
Well that's several observations from this year. I'll no doubt have more once the year goes on.