
Illa Philosophus is Latin for "She Thinker". I'm always thinking about something important, and this is where I'll write it all down. it may mean nothing to the people reading, but it means something to me.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Eh, time for an update

Well, it's been a good while since I updated. Not much has been going on. School is still the bain of my meager existence. My job still bites.
On the other hand, I'm planning my next trip to DC. Elise and I are going next June, and I'm very excited. We've found a hotel in Alexandria for about $75 a night, which is an amazing rate for the DC Metro area. We've got a list of places we'll go, and things we will see, and people we will meet. I'm still hoping Tory comes to her senses and goes home next summer, so we can all 3 hang out. I'm trying to convince her to come here for the summer, but so far that's not worked. I miss my best friend... :( But going with Elise will be oodles of fun, because she's just as in love with DC as I am, and appreciates it all.
(random side note: there is some majoring snoring coming from my parents bedroom. And since Daddy has a breathing machine for his sleep apnea...that only leaves one person who could be producing such odd sounds. But I digress.)

DC is the greatest city I've ever been to, and I'm eager to go back, even if it's only for 5-6 days. I have fond memories of DC...

So school sucks. I hate math. I got an A- on my first test, but it's still boring to sit through those lectures. She wants us to show our steps for EVERYTHING we do on homework, quizzes, and tests. I'm sorry, but adding 2+7+6+6+10 does not require much thinking, therefore I don't write out my steps. This woman wants it to be worked like this.
9 +6=15
15 +6=21
21 +10=31
Now normally I'd do it all on my head, and write down the answer. It's not a tough problem. But she wants me to waste space on my paper by doing it like that. Crazy woman...

Justice Administration is alright. Brewer is just about the funniest guy ever. And he shows us lots of video clips to illustrate his points, so that helps. The class is very informative. I'm learning a great deal, despite my score on the first test. Hopefully I can pull my grade on the next one up.

It's 3:37am. I've had almost an entire 2 liter of Dew since about 4pm. It's going to be like 7 minutes, and then I'll crash really hard. Yeah, that's what'll happen...


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