
Illa Philosophus is Latin for "She Thinker". I'm always thinking about something important, and this is where I'll write it all down. it may mean nothing to the people reading, but it means something to me.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

It's been awhile. Spring Break is soo over now, and I'm soo not even happy. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow and going back to school. Blah. The only good news is that the new wing of the UGLy is open, so there's Starbucks at school now. Yippee!

At the moment I am distracting Tory and not letting her write her "essays" (6 pages ain't no stinkin' essay. Its a PAPER!) for her classes. I'm so nice, I know.

Right now I could really go for some Mickey D's.... Humm. But I will resist, because Rachel and I have decided to start running and training the Triple Crown next year. So, no MD's or Taco Bell for the foreseeable future.

Okay, I have nothing further.

That's all I'll say.