
Illa Philosophus is Latin for "She Thinker". I'm always thinking about something important, and this is where I'll write it all down. it may mean nothing to the people reading, but it means something to me.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My List

So, I've made a list for my birthday. It's a list of 20 good things/things I'm thankful for. One thing for each year since my birth.

  1. God. Even when I didn't want to believe, He was there with me.
  2. My Family. I love my family alot.
  3. Tigger. She's a constant source of entertainment for me. And she's squishy too.
  4. School. Even tohugh I hate waking up for class, I still am thankful that I can go to college.
  5. Work. Money! I'm happy to have a job where I get to sit on my rear end and make money.
  6. Sarah. She annoys me alot. Alot... But she's still my sister and I love her.
  7. My iPod. Okay, I LOVE my iPod! It's my favorite possession.
  8. Music. This ties in with #7. I would go completely crazy without music in my life.
  9. The United States. I'm thankful to live in the U.S.. I never want to live anywhere else.
  10. Tory. Well, she studies too much and has weird tastes in food, but I still love her. She's my bestest little buddy. "The Poky and Tory Gang" will live forever.
  11. Moo-Moo. Moo is too freaking stupid! But I can't help but love a cat who looks like a cow and acts like a dog.
  12. My Momma. I love my Momma! She's one of my favorite people. I didn't realize how important she is until 2002.
  13. My Daddy. Well, he's my Daddy! And I'm his little girl! And he got me a job, so that's cool.
  14. George W. Bush. He's a good politician, and a great man. He brings values to America, which is something we need.
  15. Aaron Wellman. Maybe that sounds really odd, but who cares. Aaron is a good guy who's decent enough to check up on me when I work nights. And he's going to be a Marine, which makes him hott. :-D
  16. My cell phone/texting. I love my cell phone. And I love texting. It's all that gets me through my day sometimes.
  17. My computers. I'm in love with my laptop. It's my portable internet connection, and for that I'm grateful.
  18. Washington, DC. DC is the most awesome place on earth! I'm very thankful that so much important stuff goes on there.
  19. Louisville, KY. 2nd coolest palce one earth. I love living here. It's too freaking awesome!
  20. Grandma. I'm thankful for the stuff she taught me before she went. I still miss her every single day of my life.