
Illa Philosophus is Latin for "She Thinker". I'm always thinking about something important, and this is where I'll write it all down. it may mean nothing to the people reading, but it means something to me.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Life needs to change!

We have no electricity at home. And Daddy's gerarator keeps turning off. I'm not a happy camper.
No power means my JAG Corps presentation for ROTC isn't finished, and I have to present TODAY! In less than an hour... This does not make Rebekah happy.

At the moment, I hate LG&E. I really, really do. I swear if we don't have power tonight, I'm calling around and seeing who has electricity and am going over there to sleep. I had 7 blankets on my bed last night, and I was still cold. Blah.

That's all I'll say.