
Illa Philosophus is Latin for "She Thinker". I'm always thinking about something important, and this is where I'll write it all down. it may mean nothing to the people reading, but it means something to me.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Not happy about being home

I'm back from Alexandria. I'm not happy about this. I went back to school today and it wasn't fun because I hate being around that many college students. I'm sure everyone knows that college students aren't the best of people to be around, and after 1 day I'm realizing it once again.
I'm going to drop Latin though, I think. I'm really not feeling good about taking it, and would like to take a year off. That brings me down to a total of 2 classes, or 6 hours, of school along with my 16.5/week at work.

School and work are stressing me out. Which is sad, because I'm not doing that much of either. But I'm not doing well with having so much going on in my life. I need some more time at home. Getting to school everyday and then going to work is physically draining. And being away from my family is draining me emotionally. So, I'm going to drop Latin and focus on my other 2 classes.

Anyways, on to my trip highlights.

Saturday 8/12: I flew out of SDF at 1030 and got to BWI at about noonish, waited freaking 20 minutes for my luggage, and went to find Tory. Got to Alexandria and watched Phantom Of The Opera, and then went out that night to do random crap.

Sunday: Slept late, hung out, went to Georgetown, and went to babysit that night. I fell asleep at the end of that. Comfy couch.

Monday 8/14: Well, we think that was the day I got all asthmatic, then that night we tried to see Pirates Of The Carribean 2, but the flim burned up. But neither Tory nor I can remember for sure. We only think it was that day.

Tuesday: We went to Wal-Mart (like goin' home...) and Mount Vernon. That was fun. We also went to The Cheesecake Factory that night, then to the Mall to take pictures. (A few of those pics turned out REALLY good!)

Wednesday 8/16: We went to Six Flags that day. Which wasn't as cool as it shoudl ahve been, but not completely bad. Tory's day started out bad, but I think it got better.

Thursday: I think we went to the Mall to see the Air And Space Museum that day, and to take some pictures of the U.S. Capitol Building. And for supper we had fish, which was soo good! (It was a highlight to me...)

Friday 8/18: We went downtown to the Spy Museum, which was soo freaking awesome! I bought toys! Cool night vision binoculars, a mosquito thing, a sticker that says SPY on it, and a pen that's really fat and awesome.

Saturday: We went to Arlington Cemetary to see the changing of the guard at Tomb Of The Unknown (got that on video), then I stayed at Tory's all day because she was babysitting again and they went swimming. Then we went to IHOP after she got home, and had some pancakes.

Sunday 8/20: We got up and went to church at USNA. Looked around the Yard alittle, and bought stuff in the gift shop. Then we went shopping, driving around, and eating, for like 4 hours before my flight left. At like 5:30 I started getting all emo because I was sad about leaving. Then at 6, she took me to BWI and we got my bags checked, and she left me all alone, and I got all teary. At 8 my flight left for SDF and I cried the whole way home. I got 2 extra bags of crackers, on account of I was the only one crying on the plane. I came home, talked to Tory online, and went to bed, got emo again and got freaked out whenever I closed my eyes to sleep. Quote for that day: "I wanna be a hoe!"

Classic/memorable moments from my vacation:
-On the ride into Alexandria when Tory said: "Well, aren't you going to talk to me?" And I replied "No, I have phone calls to make. You'll have to wait."
-At the dinner table when we got into a political discussion, and I said "Well, I'd vote for Rice if she ran..."
-"I wanna be a ho!" ('Nuff said)
-Laying in bed watching Golden Girls episodes and laughing at the cheesiness of everything on there. -The food. Tory's mother is a great cook. I'd live in a cardboard box in Alexandria if I could have food that good every night.
-Early Sunday morning when I woke up and George was staring me in the face from the floor and I nearly screamed out of fright.
-IHOP on Saturday night.
-The night when I was changing my shirt and Tory walked in and saw me in *gasp*, my bra, and acted like it was terrible or something. That made me laugh. It's not like I was naked, Darling.
-9am-6pm on Sunday when we just hung out. Not doing tourist stuff, just hanging out and talking.

(More to come later!)

I loved my trip! I want to go back! Tory's mother makes the best food I've had in awhile (Not that Momma is a good cook...but...nevermind). Who would have thought organic crap could make such great food. Maybe it was the cook. I dunno. But it was something.
Anyways, I have pictures and some video of stuff. If you have a Facebook, the pictures are on there. If not, tell me you want them and I'll give them to you. The video will make very little sense to everyone else though, so I probably won't give it out.

I'm done now.