"What do you want for Christmas?!"
That's the question people keep asking. "What do you want for Christmas?" What I want for Christmas is for people to stop asking me what I want for Christmas.
I don't want anything.
Yes, you read that correctly. I don't want anything. I don't like getting stuff because people feel its expected. I don't want people to be like "Well, it's Christmastime, so that means I have to buy stuff for people. So what do I have to buy Rebekah?"
Why is it that Christmas, birthdays, holidays, etc. are the only times that people feel convicted to give another person a gift? Why not just give people stuff randomly because you love or care about them? Why only at holidays?
I don't say this to make myself look any better, but I frequently buy people stuff just because I care. Not for any special occassion, but just because I love them. I sent Tory cards and stuff at school, I buy Sarah things, I get my parents fun stuff, just because I like to and want to.
The way I see it, I'm way more blessed than alot of people in the world. I have alot to be thankful for. There are people in the world who don't have even a fraction of a fraction of what I have. Their Christmas is going to be terrible. So what gives me the right to sit in my nice big house, with a big Christmas meal, and loads of presents I don't need, while other people are starving on the street in the cold? What gives anybody that right?
I'm not saying I don't think anyone should get gifts. But when you're opening those presents on Christmas morning, think about how good your lives are. Think about it.