So, my birthday is in about 3 hours. At 1207am I'll be old. Blah. I'm not so happy. And Tuesday night I have to go out with the family to eat. I'm hoping maybe we can go to Village 8 and see some movie instead. It would at least be entertaining. I'm not quite so depressed as I was about my inpending oldness. It'll be a-okay.
Blah. Today was boring. I got yelled at by some lady for reading "An American Life" by Ronald Reagan. She came up to the booth to ask me a question, and saw the book, which is around 725 pages, and said "Wow, that's a big book! What is it?" I answered, and this look of horror came over her and face before she asked me why I was reading it. I was like "Because I think Reagan was a great man and a great politician" and then she started yelling about how no one who's a Republican can be a great anything except liar, and blah blah blah blah blah. So then she got done with her little spiel and started to walk away, then turns and yelled "And those glasses made you look stupid!" Well, I just shut the door and began laughing really hard because she was so cranky that she felt she needed to make fun of my reading glasses.
That was my laugh for the day.
And that's all I'll say.
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