
Illa Philosophus is Latin for "She Thinker". I'm always thinking about something important, and this is where I'll write it all down. it may mean nothing to the people reading, but it means something to me.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

They'll know by our actions!

Yesterday I was told that I have great insight.

After ROTC Lab each week we have OCF (Officer Christian Fellowship) with Captain Masengale (Major Masengale's husband). We were reading though Matthew (chapters 2-about 8) and it was started talking about repentence, and how a good tree bears good fruit and the bad tree bears bad fruit. So Captain Masengale asked Markum and I (we were the only 2 there) what we would define repentence as, and we came up with something to the effect of "knowing you've done something wrong, admitting it to God, and wanting to change your life so you don't do it again." We began talking about how the world can know that we're Christians, and are bearing the good fruit. When I was asked that question I said:

---"Well, they'll know we're Christians by our actions. Like if someone says 'oh yeah, I'm a Christian' then turns around whenever they're not in church and is acting just like the rest of the world, the people around them are going to know that they could care less about their faith. What we need to do is make a conscious effort to think about everything we do at all times. Be paranoid! Have the thought of 'who's watching me?' in the back of our heads all the time. It says in the bible that we're not to cause others to stumble, and I think that if we as Christians act just like the rest of the world, other people will stumble. And they're going to think its a-okay to go out and party on the weekends, as long as you're in church come Sunday morning and are repenting of your many sins. That's not okay! We shouldn't be living like it is, because we're giving others a bad example."---

It all comes back to actions. Something that really bothers me is people who say they're Christians, but are constantly letting bad language come out of their mouth, especially if they're living the way they should in every other way. It seems to me that if you have enough discipline to be a great Christian in every other way, but can't control your mouth, you need to straighten some things out. Think about a situation like this:

---What if someone came to church as some point, someone who's not a Christian, and you didn't even notice them there. But they saw you. And a week later they see you out at 4th Street Live or somewhere similar, and you are acting the same as every one else coming out of the bars running their mouths because they're drunk. Even if you're completely sober, if you're using bad language, that person will know that you don't give a rip about your life as a Christian. And you've probably either completely killed, or at the very least severely hindered any potential to witness to that person.---

Is that really how you want to be seen? Do you want non-Christians to think that there's no difference between us and them, so why even bother with it all?

I know I'm far from perfect, but I want to try to be as much like Christ as I can be. Shouldn't we all want that? Just something to think about. Leave comments and tell me if you agree or disagree.
That's all I'll say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a really talented writer. And good at giving your opinions... so, like I said before. I think you should combine your passion for Christianity and your writing talent personally. But that's just me throwing an idea out.

Anyways, I was thinking when I was up there how truly lost people can get if they don't have the right guidance growing up. I think that is really what people are lacking these days. It's a constant erosion of standards, and I think TV has had a lot to do with it. But I'm not sure what else really... why do so many people our age think it's alright to "hook up" and sleep around? Why is marriage devalued? Why is every word out of my friend Zach mouth a cuss word? How can we stop the insansity? Can we at all?!? And how can one bear the good fruit without trying to see the good in others and help them? When you try to "show people the way" or point out their flaws, their reaction is usually "leave me alone" or to think you are judging them? For instance when I said to Zach "You know, you cuss a lot" he was all defensive and thought I was looking down on him. Zach is a great person and a good friend to me, but in many ways he is mixed up. How can stand up for what they believe and and be sensitive to the other person. It's a hard line to draw I tell you, a hard line. Nonetheless, it takes a real gutsy person to stick up for what they believe in, and I see you as the one person I know that does that in all situations.

So anyways, sorry I've been distracted tinkering with this here toy all night. Blasted mac contraption!

10:29 PM  
Blogger RosieBoo said...

Amen sister! You are so right in all you say, Rebekah...we never know who is watching us and what they'll learn from that. Sometimes I think it's hard for people to stand up for what they believe because their confidence is in themselves, not in Christ. When I remember who I am in Him, I don't worry what people think. But, that's sometimes a hard thing to remember

1:02 PM  
Blogger SheThinker said...

Exactly! I personally don't mind telling people that I'm a Christian, but I hope that they can, at the very least, tell that there's something different about me. I think you know I'm not the type to just blurt anything out. But if asked, I won't hesitate to tell people that I'm a Christian, and what I believe about everything. My beliefs are something that I'm proud of.

12:06 AM  

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